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Fillable Form Adoption Form

When planning to adopt a child, an institution considers various steps and processes; one is the completion of an Adoption Form. Adoptive parents must follow procedures established by the State to obtain identifying confidential information from the adoption records.

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What is an Adoption Form?

An Adoption Information Worksheet, or referred to as Adoption Form, is one of the adoption-related documents that needs to be completed by the adoptive parents. It is a part of the adoption process in order to legally and officially adopt a child.

An Adoption Form is one of the documents that will be kept in a State’s adoption records. Other documents and information that are commonly found in an adoption record are:

  • A copy of the child’s birth certificate
  • Description and details of the birth family
  • Neo-natal and obstetric report
  • Child’s permanence report
  • Adoption placement report
  • Copy of adoption order

Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of adoption records, there are only some people who are allowed to access them. Some examples of individuals or entities who can access the records are:

  • The Court and officers of the Court
  • The Ombudsman
  • The Regulatory Authority
  • Legal and medical advisers
  • Social workers and other professional or administrative staff who are directly concerned with the case

How to fill out an Adoption Form?

For your convenience, PDFRun has an Adoption Form template that you can use. It should be filled out with the following information:

Information Checklist on Child Being Adopted

1. Name of child at birth

Enter the full legal birth name of the child.

2. Name of child after adoption

Enter the full legal name of the child after being adopted.

3. Sex of child

Enter the sex of the child.

4. Age of child

Enter the age of the child.

5. Date of birth

Enter the birth date of the child.

6. Place of birth

Enter the place where the child was born.

7. Hospital

Enter the name of the hospital where the child was born.

8. Attending physician

Enter the full legal name of the attending physician.

9. Race of child

Enter the race of the child.

10. Property owned by child:

Enter the real property and personal property owned by the child.


Enter additional information, if applicable.

Frequently Asked Questions About an Adoption Form

Can I file my own adoption papers?

In the United States, it is possible to file your own adoption; nevertheless, having a legal professional to assist you is ideal. The state laws and regulations on adoptions vary from state to state and it is important that you understand the law in your area.

How can I get my original birth certificate if I was adopted?

To obtain your original birth certificate if you are adopted, you need to access your sealed adoption records.

The first step is to locate your adoption agency. You will want to contact them directly and ask them about their policy for the release of non-identifying information and original birth certificates. Many of the agencies listed below do not deal directly with the public, so you might have better luck calling or writing a letter to your adoption agency rather than emailing.

You will need to send the agency a completed application, which you can usually find on their website or by calling them directly. You can also ask your agency for other documents to help establish your identity. When the agency receives these documents, they will review them and make a decision on whether to release your non-identifying information or original birth certificate.

If you place a request directly with an adoption agency that is not in charge of your sealing process, they may only be able to provide you with non-identifying information.

If your agency is not able to provide you with the non-identifying information or original birth certificate, they will contact the agency that is in charge of sealing your records. Once this second agency receives permission from you, they will release your identifying adoption information. You can then request an original birth certificate from them directly. If the second agency is unable to release your identifying information, they will let you know and direct you to the appropriate party. Furthermore, there are adoption agencies that may be able to help you obtain non-identifying information or an original birth certificate, including American Adoptions, Adoptive Parents Together, and Adoptions From the Heart.

What is the adoption process in the USA?

The adoption process in the USA is as follows:

  • The Pre-Placement Process — This is where the prospective parents decide to adopt and then they get in touch with an adoption agency or a lawyer that will help them through the process
  • Placing a Child — When the biological parent decides to entrust their baby to someone else before it's born, there's no paperwork to fill regarding the child, just a verbal agreement or an affidavit of non-paternity that would be signed in case the baby was born and then placed. The American Adoption Congress says that when a birth mother chooses who will adopt her baby, it's done with a pre-birth consent adoption plan where adoptive parents' names are on the birth certificate and the original birth certificate is given to adoptive parents. If mother and father agree for adoption and have no parenting time, their parental rights are severed; if they were married at the time of conception or birth, both must consent to give up their baby.
  • After Placement — After placing the child, there's a waiting period of about two weeks, before the adoption is finalized.
  • The adoptive parents must apply for an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN), which will be used for tax purposes when claiming the child as a dependent on their federal income tax return. This number can only be obtained if they are identified by the IRS as "adopting a child to be their son or daughter."
  • Once the adoption is finalized and the court issues a final decree of adoption, the birth parents' rights are terminated. The adoptive parents may apply for a new birth certificate with their names on it, and receive a new Social Security number for the adopted child since he or she has the same number that was assigned to him or her when he or she was born, which is not new.

Can I adopt without a lawyer?

In the case of legal adoption, it is not necessary to have a lawyer. In all cases, it is an advantage to have one as continuity exists regarding the care and custody of the child. In addition to being better informed about their rights, adopting parents may benefit from the advice and support of a lawyer who will guide them throughout the process. This lawyer, in turn, will be able to advise them with regard to their rights.

Are adoptive parents’ names on a birth certificate?

The original birth certificate of a child will have his or her birth mother's name. Nonetheless, an adoption birth certificate will be created when the adoption is complete. An adoption birth certificate will have the adoptive parents' names on it, and the original birth certificate will have a stamp noting that adoption has happened.

In some cases, if the adoptive parents choose to keep their identities hidden from the child when he or she becomes an adult, they may not add their names to the birth certificate.

Adoption birth certificates do not replace the original birth certificate. The original birth certificate will always be there, and it can never be changed. If an adult adoptee wants to know his or her biological parents' names, that person must go through all of the legal steps required by law in order for that information to be made available.

What is an adoption certificate?

An adoption certificate is used to legally transfer parental rights from a biological parent to an adoptive parent. It serves as legal proof that an adoption has taken place. If you are in the process of adopting a child, make sure to get an adoption certificate after the procedure is completed.

An adopted child, male or female, has exactly the same legal rights as a biological child. That means that they have the same full legal right to use their original family name as do biological children, and no law in any state of the U.S. can ever change that fact.

What is the best age to adopt a child?

The best age to adopt a child is between the ages of two and five.

The majority of children adopted internationally are older than age three — an estimated 70 to 80%, most often because they have special emotional or physical needs, although a sizable number of international adoptions include infants and toddlers as well as older children who may have a medical condition, physical impairment, emotional trauma, or mental retardation.

Adopting an older child is much different than adopting a baby or infant, but the process remains one of the immense rewards for both prospective parents and families who adopt children with special needs. For many families, it's not enough to know that they're giving a deserving child the opportunity at life he or she has always deserved; they want the child to know it, too.

With more mature children comes an increased awareness of potential social situations and how to combat them. This can be useful when dealing with persistent stereotypes or with disabilities that are difficult for the child to grasp without support from others. Many adopted teens have experienced years of bullying, either at school or within their own homes, and the transition to a new family can offer them a place where they don't have to fear abuse or neglect.

Being older, many of these children understand their situation better than infants would – it can be easier for them to grasp that they are no longer alone, that there is a loving family out there looking for them, that there is nothing to fear in being adopted by them, and that they are safe. For some children who have lost hope, an adoptive family may be the only thing keeping them afloat.

Can my friend just give me her baby?

Yes, your friend can just give you her baby. However, to be the legal parent of the child, you need to undergo the adoption process.

An independent adoption arrangement is an option, as it is done without a mediator. The difference between independent adoption and agency adoption is that the parents who carry out an independent adoption are not affiliated with any agency or host family. On the other hand, those couples who opt for agency adoption work directly with a third-party service provider to make sure their child gets a nurturing home.

If you are the parent of the child for adoption, when you choose independent adoption, you might need to pay for the services of a lawyer who will prepare the necessary documents. You are also likely to have more control over your child's future parents and about their background and financial status. A lawyer is needed in agency adoptions as well since all paperwork has to be done properly.

Many choose this route because they want to be sure the parents who adopt their child will take good care of him or her. On the other hand, agency adoption is preferred by many as it ensures that every aspect of the child's future is handled. Therefore, if you are thinking of being involved in all aspects of your child's future, independent adoption is the best choice for you.

Can my step-dad adopt me after I turn 18?

Your step-dad can still adopt you after you turn 18. Adult adoptions are fairly common in most states. You can still be a legal step-child even after turning 18.

When adults are involved, adoption is primarily about the emotional bond between adult step-parents and step-children who must rely on each other to create their own family unit. The short answer is that "yes," an adult can still be adopted by their stepparent or parents.

What’s considered abandonment of a child?

Child abandonment happens when a parent or guardian purposely leaves a child without support, care or shelter. Child abandonment may be committed by both parents or only one, and the act of abandoning a child is illegal in all states.

Types of Child Abandonment

There are two ways to charge someone with child abandonment, depending on the state where it occurred. A misdemeanor is when the parent or guardian leaves a child without support for less than three days. In felony cases, abandonment occurs when a child has been left alone for more than three days, or if the parent chooses to leave the state with no means of returning.

In some states, including Florida and California, it is also classified as child abandonment if the parent or guardian does not provide medically necessary food, shelter, supervision, and/or care for their child.

The act of abandoning a child can happen in different ways. For example, if the child's parent or guardian simply leaves the child at someone else's house or on someone else's doorstep with no note or explanation, it is considered child abandonment.

Abandonment may also occur if the child's parent leaves them with someone else to take care of, but then fails to return for an extended period of time or at all. For example, if a grandparent leaves their grandchild in another person's care and later decides not to return because they don't want the responsibility of caring for the child, it can be considered abandonment.

Can my step-dad adopt me if I’m 30?

Yes, your step-dad can still adopt you even if you are 30 years old already. Now that you are an adult, the cost should be minimal. And if he is willing to do what it takes, there really should be nothing stopping him from having a legally binding adoption.

The only thing you need to worry about is that in most states, including California when someone adopts an adult then the court has no power to order support or maintenance for the adopted adult. So, your stepdad's main motivation must be to give you the legal security of having him in your life for good.

What are the advantages of adopting a child?

Some of the pros of adopting a child are:

  • Save someone's life. While a family might not have known that they were going to adopt a child, the fact is that there are children all over the world in dire conditions who need someone to take them out of their situation and put them somewhere safe, such as an orphanage or adoption center. There you will receive loving care and you will be safe.
  • Improve society by adding a productive person. This is very valid, as according to the US Census Bureau, there are approximately two million children in orphanages or foster homes throughout America. If even 25% of these were adopted, that would avoid about 500000 people not being born to work for major corporations and not collecting welfare. They would instead be working and paying taxes; therefore, making America better for everyone.
  • Help brighten someone's life who might not have kids of their own. This is a very emotional reason to adopt, but it is completely valid all the same. You get to take in someone's little child and make him or her feel loved and cared for. Maybe they lost a child in a car accident, or maybe the mother was raped and she didn't want to keep it. You get to take this person under your wing and make them feel like they have a family again.
  • Uplift fallen women through the love and care of a family who wants them, instead of losing their lives in near-slavery or prostitution. This is very valid for adoptees, especially girls who get pregnant and their parents don't want them anymore and kick them out of the house. If you take these people in and love them like your own, they will be motivated to do something with themselves and they won't feel like they have to resort to drugs or prostitution to have a good life.
  • Improve the lives of children who are stuck in orphanages. The children in these places get all the basic needs, but not much else. There is often no education given, so chances are if they grow up there, they won't be able to support themselves financially. They might even resort to selling drugs or prostitution in order to get enough money for food. If you adopt these kids, however, they will be given education and all the support they need to become productive members of society.
  • Give a home to those without one. If you don't like children very much but know someone who has always wanted one, consider this. You can take in a child and give them all the love they could ever need so that they might have someone to be with for the rest of their lives. It's just like giving your friend or family member their own child.

Do you get money if you adopt a child?

You do not get money when you adopt a child; however, you receive a stipend from the government when you foster a child. The stipend can help you offset the costs of providing for a child.

Do adopted kids free college?

Many people do not know that in adoption from foster care, the children qualify for free tuition to any university or community in their home state. The amount of money they qualify for is based on the state they live in and how much it costs to go to school at that university or community college.

Do you have to be rich to adopt a child?

You definitely do not have to be rich to adopt a child. There are many wonderful children who simply want a family to call their own. Adoption through foster is inexpensive and does not require any type of financial commitment at all. To qualify, you have to prove you can provide a home and be a responsible parent.

What are the different types of adoption?

Adoption is a legal process where a person chooses to accept parental responsibility for another person. Through adoption, all rights and obligations are permanently transferred from the biological parent to the adoptive parents.

There are different types of adoption that one may opt to go through, some of these are:

Foster Care

This is a temporary service where the children are placed in foster or group homes because their biological parents are unable to care for them and have had their parental rights revoked.


This is a type of adoption in which a child from foster care is brought into your home to be fostered by your family with the hopes that you would be eligible to legally adopt him or her.

Infant Adoption

Infant adoption occurs when a birth parent legally consents to an adoption placement right after the baby was born and an adoptive family is willing to care for the kid as their legal parents.

Independent Adoption

This type of adoption is a process in which the birth parents choose the adoptive parents and place the child with them immediately. The custody of a child will be independently transferred between the biological and adoptive parents, instead of going through an agency.

What are some tips on how to adopt a child?Step 1: Do your research.

Adopting a child is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life. Make sure that you have enough knowledge about adoption, so you can prepare yourself for what you’re about to go through.

In order to know your reasons for adopting and to determine what you truly desire, it is recommended to do rigorous research. Lots of adoption articles are widely available online or you may also opt to join groups about adoption to talk with other aspiring adopters and adoptive parents.

Step 2: Choose the type of adoption that is best for you.

There are different types of adoption to choose from, so you have to be careful in picking what you will carry through. This decision will determine if you’ll be dealing with an adoption agency or other necessary professionals that can help you with the process.

Step 3: Select an adoption agency or attorney.

If you’re going to choose to foster-to-adopt, you’ll be needing an adoption agency; and if you’re adopting independently, you have to hire an attorney.

When choosing an adoption agency, make sure to verify its legitimacy. Check if they have a license issued by the state, so you’ll be assured that you’re having a transaction with a legal institution. You can also inquire about their services and fees before officially committing to them.

When choosing an attorney, it is important to check if he or she has a license to practice law in your state. It is also recommended to pick a lawyer who has the experience and has already handled numerous adoption cases.

Step 4: Complete adoption-related documents and prepare for home study.

After choosing your desired adoption agency or attorney, you are expected to complete the required adoption documents for your application. Once you’ve completed your application, you have to wait for their confirmation if you’re eligible to adopt. If they accept you, you’ll have to settle some fees and proceed to the next step.

Prior to enabling an adoption to take place, you will be required to undergo a home study. A home study or family assessment is a screening and evaluation of the home and lives of potential adoptive parents. During this process, you will be assisted in thinking about all the facets of adoptive parenthood and determining the kind of child you want to adopt.

Step 5: Engage in the placement process.

You can now start searching for the child you intend to adopt. The adoption agency or social workers will help you in finding a suitable kid for you.

Keep in mind that adoption may take some time so you have to be patient. Adopters who picked infant adoption are required to be chosen by a birth mother which usually takes three months up to three years.

Step 6: Complete the legal procedures.

To officially finalize the adoption, you have to obey the legal requirements in accordance with the laws in your state. Complete the necessary steps and documents to avoid any problems with your adoption.


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