Form 735-173 of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is used to apply for state identification card. It can also be used to renew or replace ID Card.
The Oregon ID Application Form, otherwise known as Form 735-173, is a form issued by the Oregon state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This form is most commonly used by citizens of Oregon to apply for a driver’s license or identification card. Additionally, this form is also used to renew an old license or identification card or replace a lost or damaged one.
If you are currently residing in the state of Oregon and would like to apply for an Oregon driver’s license or identification card, then you are eligible to fill out the Oregon ID Application Form Additionally, if you have had a license or identification card and would like to renew the information on either card or have lost or damaged either card and would like to have it replaced, then you are also eligible to fill out this form.
To fill out the Oregon ID Application Form, then you will need your full legal name, divided into your last name, first name, middle name, as well as your mother’s maiden name. Additionally, you will need your social security number (SSN), Oregon driver’s license or identification card number if you will be renewing or replacing one of these two cards, your date of birth, your place of birth which will include your city and state or country, your telephone number, your height in feet and inches, weight in pounds, sex, hair color, and eye color.
You will also need your current residential address, city and state where this address is located in with the corresponding ZIP code. If you do not receive mail at your current residential address, you will need to write down your current mailing address as well. Just like with the residential address, you will have to provide the city and state where your mailing address is located in along with the corresponding ZIP code.
You will also need to know if you have a driver’s license from another state or U.S. territory, and the corresponding driver’s license number. Additionally, if you have used different names in any previous driver’s licenses, then you will be asked to indicate these as well.
If you have any conditions that may affect your driving, or if you use other substances to drive safely, you will be asked to describe how these affect your ability to drive safely.
You will also need to verify all of this information by affixing your signature.
We will be guiding you through the process of filling out the Oregon ID Application Form through a step-by-step tutorial.
Before attempting to fill out this form, please ensure that all information that you are about to write down is accurate and true. This is a government document, and thus should be treated with the utmost level of care and attention.
Before filling out this form, read through it carefully and discern what information you would need to fill out each section. For your convenience, we have provided you with a list of everything you would need to fill out this form in the section labeled “What do I need to fill out the Oregon ID Application Form”
Initial Information
This section will cover the checkboxes at the very top of the form.
At the very top row, you will be asked to indicate your reason for accomplishing the Oregon ID Application Form. You have the options of “Original”, “Renewal”, or “Replacement”. Check the box corresponding to your answer.
Next, if you have a license, you will be asked to indicate whether it is a Class C license or Class C Restricted license. You may do so by checking the box corresponding to the license currently in your possession. If you currently do not have a license, you may leave this box blank. You will then be asked to indicate whether or not your license is an LT convert. If yes, indicate so by checking the box.
Following these two, indicate whether you have an instruction permit for a Class C license or a motorcycle. If yes, indicate so by checking the appropriate box. Afterward, indicate the endorsement of the license. Check the box labelled “MC”, “MC-3”, or “FARM” if applicable.
Finally for this section, indicate whether you’re applying for an ID Card or not by checking the box. Additionally, mark whether or not you are at risk by checking the box with the corresponding label.
Applicant Information
This section will ask mainly for the applicant’s personal information that is necessary for the application of an ID or license.
On the first line of this section, write down your full legal name in the order of your last name, then first name, followed by your middle name. After writing your name, place your SSN.
Below the previous line, you will be asked to write down your Oregon ID or driver’s license number if applying for a renewal or replacement. Write down as well your date of birth in the M-D-Y format. Next to this, place your mother’s maiden name. Write as well your place of birth, indicating the corresponding city and state if born in the United States, or the name of the country if born elsewhere. Finally, for this line, write down your telephone number. Take care to mention your area code as well.
On the third line, indicate whether or not you would like to become an anatomical organ donor by checking the appropriate “Yes or No” box. Next, indicate your height in feet and inches, followed by your weight in pounds, your sex, your hair color, and finally your eye color.
Current Address
This section will ask you to write down your addresses.
Write down your current residential address. Follow this with the corresponding city, state, and ZIP code. If you receive mail at an address that is not the one listed previously, write down your current mailing address along with its corresponding city, state, and ZIP code.
Driving History
This section will ask about your history as a driver.
In the first line, indicate whether you have had a driver’s license from another state, U.S. territory, or country by checking the appropriate box. If you answered yes, then mention in what state or country you have a license in. If possible, you will also be asked to indicate your license number if you can.
Next, you will be asked if your license or identification card has ever been revoked. Indicate so by marking the appropriate box.
Finally for this section, list other names you have used on a driver’s license or I.D. card if you used different names previously.
Medical Fitness
This section will ask questions regarding your medical background and help assess your ability to operate a vehicle.
You will first be asked if you have a vision condition or impairment that is not corrected by glasses, contacts, or surgery that affects your ability to safely operate a vehicle. Mark your answer in the appropriate “Yes or No” box.
Next, you will be asked if you currently have a physical or mental condition or impairment that affects your ability to safely operate a vehicle. Once again, mark your answer in the appropriate “Yes or No” box. If you answered “Yes”, please indicate the condition or impairment, and then describe how this condition could affect your driving.
Finally, if you use alcohol, inhalant, or controller substances to a degree that affects your stability to drive safely, indicate so by checking the appropriate box. If you answered “Yes”, please write down how this affects your driving.
To certify all information you have provided on this form, please affix your signature.
After everything has been completed, congratulations, you have successfully filled out the Oregon ID Application Form.
Keywords: oregon id card application oregon id applciation or id application dmv id application dmv or driver license id card application