Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is an application to become a naturalized U.S. citizen.
Fill and sign QA Form N-400 online and download in PDF.
Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is a legal document that allows people not born in the United States to apply for a US citizenship.
Being a recognized and registered citizen of the US allows a person to do a wide variety of things with more freedom and security, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to social security, to health services, to public education, to permanent residency, to own land, to employ others, to work, and many other things.
Get a copy of QA Form N-400 template in PDF format.
While quite long, Form N-400 is very simple and easy to fill out. Make sure to have the necessary information prepared, and to consult the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) site for details on the documents that you will need to provide alongside the accomplished N-400 form.
Part 1 - Information About Your Eligibility
9-digit A-Number
Enter your 9-digit Alien Registration Number (A-Number) in the space provided. Enter this number in the spaces provided in each of the pages of the document.
Check the box that applies to the reason for why you are eligible for naturalization from the following:
Part 2 - Information About You
Current Legal Name
Enter your full, legal name in the spaces provided without any abbreviations or nicknames.
Name on Permanent Resident Card
Enter the name on your Permanent Resident Card, if applicable.
Other Names
Enter any other names that you used or went by in the past.
Name Change
If you wish to have your name legally changed, check “Yes” and enter the new name that you would like to use in the spaces provided. Otherwise, check “No”.
US Social Security Number
Enter your US Social Security Number, if applicable.
USCIS Online Account Number
Enter your USCIS Online Account Number, if applicable.
Check the box corresponding to your gender.
Date of Birth
Enter your date of birth.
Date You Became a Lawful Permanent Resident
Enter the date that you became a lawful permanent resident of the US.
Country of Birth
Enter the country that you were born in.
Country of Citizenship or Nationality
Enter the country that you currently have a citizenship in.
Physical or Developmental Disability or Mental Impairment
If you have a condition that prevents you from properly communicating or understanding English or the civics requirements for naturalization, check “Yes” and submit a completed Form N-648 alongside this form. Otherwise, check “No”.
Exemptions from the English Language Test
Check “Yes” for each of the following statements that applies to you, and “No” for each that does not.
Part 3 - Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities and/or Impairments
Request for Accommodation
Check “No” if you are not requesting accommodation for any disabilities and/or impairments. Otherwise, check “Yes”, and proceed to select any box that applies from the following:
Part 4 - Information to Contact You
Enter the following information in the spaces provided:
Part 5 - Information About Your Residence
Current Address
Enter the following information about your current address:
Mailing Address
If your mailing address is different from the address written above, enter the following information about it:
Previous Address(es)
Enter the following information about your previous residences:
Part 6 - Information About Your Parents
If neither of your parents is a US citizen, skip this part and proceed immediately to Part 7.
Parents’ Marriage
Check “Yes” if your parents were married before your 18th birthday. Otherwise, check “No”.
Information About Your Mother
If your mother is a US Citizen, check “Yes” and provide the following information about her:
Otherwise, check “No” and proceed to the next item.
Information About Your Father
If your father is a US Citizen, check “Yes” and provide the following information about him:
Otherwise, check “No” and proceed to Part 7.
Part 7 - Biographic Information
For each of the items in this section, check the box that applies.
Check only one box that applies from the following:
Select all applicable items from the following:
Enter your height in feet and inches.
Enter your weight in pounds.
Eye Color
Select only one box from the following:
Hair Color
Select only one box from the following:
Part 8 - Information About Your Employment and Schools You Attended
Enter the following information about each school you attended and each employer you’ve worked for. If you require more space to enter more details, you may use a separate sheet of paper, labeled clearly.
Part 9 - Time Outside the United States
Days Spent Outside in Total
Enter the total number of days you have spent outside of the United States in the last 5 years.
Trips, 24 Hours or Longer
Enter the total number of trips you have taken outside the US in the last 5 years that lasted 24 hours or longer. Then, in the table provided below or in a separate and clearly labeled sheet of paper, enter the following details about each trip:
Part 10 - Information About Your Marital History
Marital Status
Check the box that applies to your marital status:
If you are single and have never married, skip the rest of this section and proceed to Part 11.
Military Spouse
Check “Yes” if your spouse is a current member of the US armed forces. Otherwise, check “No”.
Number of Times Married
Enter the number of times that you have been married.
Information About Current Spouse
Enter the following information about your current spouse:
Spouse’s US Citizenship
If your spouse is currently a US Citizen, check “Yes”. Otherwise, check “No” and proceed to Item 7.
US Citizenship Information
If your spouse was a US Citizen since birth, check the relevant box and proceed to Item 8. Otherwise, check “Other”, and enter the date that your spouse became a US citizen.
Information on Current Spouse (Non-Citizen)
Enter the current spouse’s country of citizenship or nationality, then enter their A-number (if applicable). Then check the “Lawful Permanent Resident” if your spouse is a lawful permanent resident of the US. Otherwise, check “Other” and provide an explanation in the space provided.
Prior Marriages (Current Spouse)
Enter the number of times your spouse has been married, then provide the following information about their previous partners:
Prior Marriages (Personal)
Part 11 - Information About Your Children
Number of Children
Enter the number of children you have.
Information on Children
For each child, enter the following information. If you require more space, use an appropriately labeled sheet of paper.
Part 12 - Additional Information About You
Answer each of the following questions with “Yes” or “No” by marking the appropriate box. If any of the questions are answered with “Yes”, attach a written explanation of your answer with this form.
Questions 1-21
Questions 22-28
For each of these questions, you must answer “Yes” even if any records relating to that question have been sealed, expunged, or otherwise cleared.
Question 29
If you answered “No’ to numbers 23-28, skip this item and proceed to Question 30.
If you answered “Yes” to any question from numbers 23-28, enter the following information in the table below for each question. You may use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
Question 30-46
Answer each of the following questions with “Yes” or “No” by marking the appropriate box. If any of the questions are answered with “Yes”, attach a written explanation of your answer with this form.
Questions 45-50
If you answer “No” to any of the following questions, include a typed or printed explanation and provide any evidence to support your answers.
Part 13 - Applicant’s Statement, Certification, and Signature
Applicant’s Statement
Select the box that applies:
Item Number 2
Check this box if, at your request, the preparer named in Part 15 prepared this application for you based only upon information you provided or authorized. Enter the name of the preparer in the space provided.
Applicant’s Certification
This section serves to confirm that the applicant understands how all documents and information will be sent and used by the USCIS, and that they will be required to appear for an appointment for interview and biometrics.
Applicant’s Signature
Sign the form in the space provided, then enter the date that the form was signed.
Part 14 - Interpreter’s Contact Information, Certification, and Signature
Interpreter’s Full Name
Enter the Interpreter’s full name and the name of the business or organization they work for, if any.
Interpreter’s Mailing Address
Enter the following information about the interpreter’s mailing address:
Interpreter’s Contact Information
Enter the interpreter’s daytime telephone number, mobile phone number ,and email address.
Interpreter’s Certification
Enter the language that the interpreter shares with the applicant, that they used in order to interpret the questions and answers of the applicant for the purposes of filing this form.
Interpreter’s Signature
Have the interpreter sign the form in the space provided then enter the date that the form was signed.
Part 15 - Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing This Application, if Other Than the Applicant.
Preparer’s Full Name
Enter the preparer’s full name and the name of the business or organization they work for, if any.
Preparer’s Mailing Address
Enter the following information about the preparer’s mailing address:
Preparer’s Contact Information
Enter the preparer’s daytime telephone number, mobile phone number, and email address.
Preparer’s Statement
Check the box that applies between the following:
Preparer’s Certification
This section confirms that the preparer prepared this application at the request of the applicant, with their explicit consent and understanding of all of the information contained in it.
Preparer’s Signature
Have the preparer sign the form in the space provided, then enter the date that the form was signed.
Parts 16 to 18
Sign these sections only as appropriate and instructed by the USCIS officer during your interview.
Start filling out a QA Form N-400 sample and export in PDF.
How much is the fee for filing Form N-400?
The total cost of the application is roughly $725.
Do I need a lawyer to apply for US Citizenship?
No, you do not need a lawyer to use Form N-400 to apply for naturalization. You may file USCIS forms on your own, though having a lawyer or other legal professional to consult may prove beneficial.
Does USCIS publish the naturalization test questions?
Yes, USCIS does publish a complete list of the civics tests from 2008 and 2020. Copies of these tests can be found on their site.
Does the USCIS provide study materials for the naturalization test?
Yes. These materials are available for free on their site, with separate sets of study materials for the 2008 and 2020 tests.
Does the USCIS change the questions on the test frequently?
No. However, some answers may change based on recent elections or political appointments, so it is best to keep track of the current information whenever possible.
Will all of the questions in the civics tests be asked during the interview?
No, but it is important to review them all regardless in order to ensure that you are fully prepared regardless of what questions the interviewer chooses to ask.
Can I live in both my home country and the US at the same time before submitting Form N-400?
Not entirely. Submitting Form N-400 requires that you have lived in the US for at least 5 years before submitting Form N-400. You may still travel to another country as long as you are not legally disallowed from doing so, but if the trip lasts 180 days or longer, the USCIS may determine that you no longer meet the requirements to be eligible for naturalization.
Will the USCIS approve my Form N-400 when I pass the reading, writing, and civics parts of the test?
No. There remains the speaking portion of the test, as well as all other requirements for the naturalization process.
Can I legally change my name while my naturalization application is pending?
Yes. However, you must immediately provide USCIS with the documents that legally changed your name, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order, or other official legal record. Make sure to mention your name change and bring the related documents when you come in for your interview.
Do I need to bring original documents to the naturalization interview?
Yes. Consult the USCIS site on what documents you need to bring original copies of. This is done in order to prevent fraud.
What do I do if I have already applied for naturalization, but my Green Card is expiring?
Any naturalization applicant who properly submits Form N-400 after Dec 12, 2022 will receive a Form N-400 receipt notice that automatically extends the validity of a person’s Green Card for 24 months from the card expiry date. This receipt notice must be presented to show that your Green Card has been extended. Otherwise, you must file Form I-90 in order to renew your Green Card.
Will I be allowed to retake the test if I fail portions of it?
You will be given two opportunities to meet the English and Civics requirements. Failure to pass any portion of these assignments will require that you be retested on that portion or portions during a new interview between 60 to 90 days from the date of your initial interview.
How many times can I apply for naturalization?
There is no limit to the number of times you can file for naturalization, but there is a fee that must be paid per Form N-400 that you submit to the USCIS.
Can I file for naturalization before I have lived in the US for 5 years?
Yes, but only if you have lived in the US for at least 3 years and are married to a US citizen.
Am I ineligible for naturalization if I receive public assistance?
No. As long as these benefits were received lawfully, they will not have any bearing on your eligibility for naturalization.
Keywords: form n400 n400 form citizenship form n400 n400 citizenship form n400 form citizenship citizenship n400 form uscis form n400 n400 application form uscis n400 form